You made me sound better than I am in real life Car! You returned the favor on the goosebumps.
I've been watching A Chef's Tour after you mentioned it as an influence. I see what you mean and if anyone is the Bourdain of Bitcoin it's you. 🚀
No the pleasure was all mine. You were an amazing time to hang out with. Learned so much from our conversation. You really inspired me. I spent about 15 hours editing the episode but I’m so glad you liked it. Still didn’t use half of what we discussed. But kept the best stuff. That Bourdain compliment is high praise, definitely a hero of mine. No way I could live up to it. Just gonna be Car for now🙏🏼
15 hours! Beast. You had so much audio to chop up. I thought there was no way you'd get it done in 2 days.
2 sats \ 1 boost \ 4 replies \ @gmd 9 Aug 2021
great interview! surprised you never tried to work for Apple!
random but curious how the lightning bolts are generated- is it completely random each time or a few preset sprites?
Random and animated on demand. The brain is pretty good at seeing patterns or a lack of them, and a lack of pattern seems to be more engaging based on what I've read. Humans get strangely addicted to random rewards and are bored by predictable ones.
Lol work at Apple because of the Green Apple™️?
haha yeah plus affinity for attention to details and product development!
Way too big of a company IMO. Big companies are great if you don't want to actually work much and enjoy meetings. Give me 70% of the pay and freedom to build on a tiny team of talented people and I'm relatively much happier. Nothing beats working on your own though as hard and painful as it can be.
Hey, that's me! Going to listen to this on my walk to the office this morning.
What about Breez link? :) Breez now lets you have a button "Listen on Breez"
2 sats \ 3 boost \ 1 reply \ @ThrillerX_ OP 11 Aug 2021
Sphinx Tribe:
It works! :)
Ya working on this today.
FYI @ThrillerX_ I could access the direct link to apple podcasts to listen, but I could not find your podcast on castro app search functionality or through apple podcast search to subscribe (searching thriller lightning)... not sure if there's an issue with indexing or if the podcast is just very new.
2 sats \ 1 boost \ 0 replies \ @ThrillerX_ OP 10 Aug 2021
Ya still so new just launched Sunday…sorry