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I may feel that my students are lacking in many rudimentary areas, but you know what? If I don’t expect more out of them, they will have little incentive to grow.
So true.
Though, one of my biggest struggles is that I often feel like I desire my students to grow more than they desire it of themselves. It often feels like swimming against the stream to actually care.
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Oh I feel you.
And years of teaching have taught me to appreciate the young mind at the stage where s/he is at. Sometimes, they are just not ready to apply themselves. I see my persistent nagging as an attempt to break down their walls a little bit so that the next person who comes after me will have an easier job.
This year, I wanna try something different. Ditch the sandwich approach. Just focus on the positive. If I want to give a compliment, I should just give it instead of complicating it with a but you could…. What we focus on expands
Though, one of my biggest struggles is that I often feel like I desire my students to grow more than they desire it of themselves.
So true! Don't waste your life energy on someone who doesn't deserve it! There are so many more children who will!