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Why should the federal government take care of this? Is there any place in the constitution for building sewage plants? This is a state issue that gruesome Newsome or the Californicated legislature should have taken care of, but didn’t. Why don’t we put the responsibility where it belongs?
If this project was within state borders I would agree 100% but it’s located at an international border so federal involvement makes sense on some level.
Which side of the border is it? Mexican side or US side? If it is on the US side it is in a state called Californicated and it is state business not federal business, unless it is in the exact area of the border. Perhaps it is even a San Diego problem, unless it is at the Navy base there.
The international waterway the plant dumps treated sewage in. I think it’s more that just where the physical plant is located
Why don’t they just use the ocean for the treated water? The only reason I can think of for dumping treated water into an international waterway is that a certain volume of water is required by treaty to go down stream. The Colorado River has these kinds of agreements for states and Mexico.
Well just to be a general steward of the environment you don’t dump raw sewage into international waters.
Yes, I understood that and is why I said treated water. You are supposed to be able to put the treated water into other bodies of water, right? This is why there is water treatment all along the Mississippi River and people are drinking the water downstream of the treatment plants.