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He was a big UBI guy right, or even the guy right?
He seems sharp but also far to socialist in his mindset. That's my opinion based on little exposure, for what its worth.
Well, as far as UBI goes, I think it's a better way to spend government money than most entitlements.
But i disagree with UBI for other reasons. it's naive to think that you can simply replace government programs with UBI.
  • Even with UBI, some people are going to squander their money / not take care of themselves. They'll be homeless or on drugs or whatever anyway. And then people will vote to spend money to help them, even with UBI.
  • So I don't think UBI can possibly be a full replacement for other government programs, even though I think it would be a better use of government money.
I think it's a better way to spend government money than most entitlements.
Fair. I assume you mean this due to the distorting nature of most entitlements and the unintended consequences.