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This depends on what one means by “great nation.” If the goal is to move the United States further to the left ideologically, and to make the US more like California, then yes, adding Canada as a new state would certainly be a good thing. For people who like freedom, on the other hand, it’s not a great idea.
The sort of MAGA voter who thinks this is a good idea is not exactly strong on critical thinking. Those who are capable of thinking things through, on the other hand, might notice that adding Canada as a new state would create an open border with a country of 40 million Canadians, most of whom hold political views well to the left of the average American. It appears that some of the same conservatives who complain about Californians moving to their states also want to open the border to a new California-sized state to the north.
How is Canada different politically from the United States? Generally speaking, it is far to the Left. For example, a recent poll of Canadians showed that 70 percent of Canadians support banning all new handgun purchases. 80 percent support bans of “assault weapons” variously defined. These numbers are typically ten to twenty percent higher than the numbers found in the United States. Similarly, 80 percent of Canadians polled typically support abortion on demand. In the United States, the number is closer to 60 percent. In the United States, 43 percent of Americans polled say the health care system should be run by the government. In Canada, 86 percent prefer government-run healthcare. In fact, as Ronald Hamowy has noted, support for government health care is near to being a religious dogma in Canada. Moreover, a voting majority of Canadians have long opposed freedom of speech, having adopted draconian “hate speech” laws since the 1970s.
I guess the article pulls no punches. You need a bit of knowledge and some critical thinking to understand why adding Canada to the US might not be a superb idea. If we only added some of the provinces, the more conservative provinces, not Ontario and Quebec it may be different.
We only really need Alberta & Saskatchewan. Maybe the Yukon, Northwest Territories & Nunavut. Manitoba is marginal. Ontario & BC would be seriously bad for population & politics. Definitely don’t want Quebec, Newfoundland & Labrador, and the rest of the Atlantic provinces — this last group would be an economic disaster.
I don’t know how picky we could be if we were annexing the country. I think BC would be the worst of the bunch, but what I think is of no consequence. I wonder what the Canadians think of this suggestion. What do you think @grayruby?
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 8 Jan
BC is very liberal but beautiful and filled with talented people, wealth and resources. You definitely want BC but you don’t want them to vote. Haha
I don’t know that would work or not. I know the BC voters are mostly reds and many of them would be CCP members to boot. I don’t think Canadians want to come under the boot of the US state any more than we would like to go under the boot of the Canadian state. In fact, do we really need the state at all?
Maybe we just offer Alberta & Saskatchewan statehood, but annex the rest like a semi-autonomous overseas territory-no federal representation.
I guess that would be the pick-and-choose method. I don’t know if the Canadians would go for it. It might be just an all-or-nothing sort of deal.
That was my first thought as well. I sure as hell don’t want another California in the United States.
If we got enough of the other kind, would it matter? I don’t know if they have enough freedom loving people there. After all, they never left the monarchy, much like the Ozzies.
4 sats \ 1 reply \ @galt 8 Jan
An even bigger state? Terrible idea the US need to break-up, not annex new colonies (i.e., states)
Ohh……. Don’t blame me!!! It wasn’t and isn’t my idea. I dislike the state, intensely and would like it to crumble away.
I think it is a terrible idea. I love the anthem OOO CANADAAAA too much for it to become part of the united states!
OK. I can understand that! The Great White North will remain snowy and Canadian. After all, now we can protect all the hockey players from ND, MN, MI, VT, NH and MA. They certainly don’t need more competition, do they?