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It's sort of a function of public money being used to fund education.
If you're using public money, you need accountability. If you need accountability, you need measurable outcomes. If you need measurable outcomes, you can sometimes kill education because it's hard to measure.
Our college measures its success by 6-year graduation rate (percent of first-time freshmen who graduate within 6 years). The problem is that this isn't a great metric for actual learning, and causes all sorts of bad incentives. Our funding is also tied to enrollment, which is another big problem.
But it's a tricky tradeoff, because without measurable outcomes, how are you going to know if public money is being well spent?
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My opinion. Remove government education and make it entirely private. Markets solve problems much better than the state.
Education has massive value. I also worked in education for many years and I know what you are talking about. I wanted to get out of it even though I was just in IT. I never regretted going to the private / profit side of things.