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47 sats \ 16 replies \ @Rothbardian_fanatic 9 Jan \ on: LA Fires: The "Social Contract" Is Nonsense, and No One Is Coming to Save You news
Why do we expect anything from the politicians and state workers that have their noses in the tax trough? They are thieves and liars that are there for, what we call here, assmilking, but they are assmilking the general public for taxes not just a few sats. FTS!
Everyone understands this when we aren't talking about the state. When someone gets paid regardless of performance, don't expect high performance.
The magic spell of statism leads people to expect completely inhuman behavior from the very human people who make up the state.
You nailed it
This is the wool that has been pulled over people’s eyes; the magic spell of STATE. It is an illusion meant to put a collar around your neck, an iron collar with a lock. It is a shame that people can’t seem to reach up and pull the wool.
The reason cults work is because people are scared to pull that wool off, even when they know it's there.
Also, their minds are being controlled by those in charge of the cult. Then, if this is so, couldn’t you call the political, corporate organization, United States of America, a cult, too?
Very much so. I think that's exactly what it is. Not just the USA, though. It's the entirety of Western Civilization. The whole damn thing is a cult built around Social Contract nonsense.
Why limit it to Western Civilization? Everywhere in the world seems to have the same system of overlordship. You have to go to the core of it and eradicate the central infection of the ELites. THEY are doing this to us.
cults or religion
The level of theological sophistication definitely approaches religion.
If it is coming from lefty/Marxist/socialist/communist/murderers it is definitely a religion or cult or brainwashing or conditioning or whatever else you would wish to call it.
At what range do they differentiate? They look the same to me!