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It's so early! I'm your host, Will Schoellkopf, author of The Bitcoin Dog, following the set to the Bitcoin C++ source code, and Bitcoin Girl saved the world. It's going to be hard for me to spin this one to a Bitcoin twist, but anything is low time preference if you try hard enough, and try, try, try we did the last week. This episode is the potty training post-mortem. Tip of the hat to the Stacker News Parents Corner, where we talk about our parenting journeys as Bitcoiner parents. So we followed, with my daughter, the oh-crap potty training method. This is a method where we have her go through various blocks, and this is how the author organizes the method.
Block 1, the child is completely naked for the first day, and you read their body language and body cues to when to suggest for them to try, try, try to go pee, pee, pee in the toilet. Block 2 is they go commando, so they do have pants on, but no underwear, so you can still, in some light colored pants, so you can still see visibly if they have had an accident. Block 3 is introducing underwear, so they wear underwear alongside their pants. And finally blocks 4, 5, and 6 are all various levels of leaving the house without wearing a diaper. So I'm happy to report that after not one, two, or three days, but five days of keeping our daughter at home on day six, she returned to school not in diapers, in pants and underwear, and at school she had just one accident in the morning. So I would say this method was very arduous.
The author was correct to call it a hell week style method, and she gave a lot of caveats that sure, it could take only three days, but three days isn't the best case scenario. Please allow for yourself up to seven days. I will say that my experience day one was very hard for my wife and I in particular. We're so fortunate because our daughter is the best. I mean, I'm sure everyone thinks that their kids are good. Actually, probably not. Actually, there's probably some people who don't think their kids are the best, but our daughter is the best, and she loves us and trusts us and trusts our judgment. But this was the first time, finally, really the first time where we met resistance from our daughter. We would ask her to go potty, and she would shout, no, no, I don't want to go potty, and that caught us off guard a little bit.
Sure, in the past I've mentioned her knocking food off the table, putting her feet on the table, leaving the table with food, and daddy's superpower of infinite patience to sit with her until she does finish eating, or make sure she stays at the table to finish eating, or that she does pick up her toys, but this is different because you can't make your kid go pee in the potty, and certainly, you can't make your kid go pee in the potty. If you make them with all this pressure, they're not going to be able to relax their body to go. I think the timing worked out well, that it was after all of the holidays and Christmas and New Year's activities, after so much social time with family or friends, to just be home all day for three days in a row. I mean, really, honestly, not leave the house for three days, not use the phone, have the cell phone put away. That was definitely the wrinkle, was what it would mean when people would call us to talk to us, so how to figure that out, how to balance giving attention to the person on the call when we're supposed to be focused on our daughter.
Another wrinkle, of course, was having my infant newborn son and caring for him. Luckily, Jenny and I were able to both be home together for this. But yeah, the first day, after the first day, we really had to do a check with ourselves to say maybe we were over-emphasizing the potty, over-emphasizing the word potty, potty this, potty that, let's pee on the potty, sit on the potty, pee, pee, pee!. And we said the word potty so much, we came up with a code word, Rambo. So Rambo was the code word for potty, just to make sure we didn't say potty constantly all the time.
We did nighttime training at the same time, too. We did sleep training at the same time, too, so this meant even when she goes to nap, even when she goes to sleep, no diaper, just buck naked, just pants, and then just underwear and pants. And we ultimately only had one accident in the bed from that. Kudos to my wife, of course, for being willing to lead the charge on this, to be willing to wake up at 5.30 in the morning before our daughter woke up so she could catch her the moment she woke up. So that was the struggle we found for our daughter was she wouldn't lift the bed, but after getting out of bed, instead of going straight to the potty, she'd go to put on shoes or something. She loves shoes, especially her sparkly ruby red slipper shoes. In that moment, then the pee accident happened, so working with her to catch that, also waking up our daughter at 2 in the morning so she could try to pee and stuff. So yeah, just very grateful that it was very difficult, but that day one success, she did.
So at the daycare, they put her in a pull-up to sleep for nap time because for them, with their 18 kids and three teachers in the classroom for the two-year-old toddlers, they can't deal with it, having every kid wet the bed, and sure enough, she did wet her pull-up. But for the daycare, they don't count that as an accident. They're happy with that. Hey, it's pee in the pull-up. Easy. It's pee in underwear or pants that's now soiled and have to deal with it. So we'll see if she holds her pee during the nap today, but she was successful overnight last night. I still haven't had any accidents in the car seat, in the car while driving, which I'm thrilled about, and yeah, just very hopeful.
I want to say it brought my wife and I closer together this bonding experience, but moreover, I would just say it really pushed us and challenged us and tested us in our communication skills, in our relationship skills, and in our parenting skills. So in the moment, it is absolutely tough or difficult, but at the end, and we're hardly done, right? Potty training's ongoing. They say to expect accidents up to five years old, but I think it was rewarding. It's tough for me to recommend the Oh Crap Potty Training Method to other parents. I don't know if other parents would have the patience to stay home from work for five days in a row. Luckily for us, we were on parental leave, so that made it both easier and harder, but we have immense pride in our daughter's hand-eye coordination skills, her accountability, her responsibility.
We can really reflect back on this time as a clear time where I raised my daughter, teaching her a new skill, and doing parenting. I look forward to, of course, later, when she's 10 years old, teaching her the skill of scuba diving and being a scuba diver, and as a 10-year-old, diving 18 meters, 60 feet, underwater with compressed air. That'll really be the pride moment. So thank you for listening, and clearly when it comes to hyper-Bitcoinization, it's so early!