This post will be a mix of different street photography subjects: people, landscapes, cars, and things.
I want to start with some photos I took of the urban landscape. The photos look a bit dark because I took them during blue hour, which is the time after sunset and before nightfall.
The silhouette of this church facade looked great under those conditions:
And in the following photo, we can see the same dome but from farther away, surrounded by the city and with the mountains in the background
Urban landscape, the center of my city full of cars and people.
Since it was getting close to night, many people were closing their shops and businesses, so I could see several people pushing carts full of things:
Speaking of people, here are two photos of people relaxing outside their homes:
I took the following photo because I like it when I take a photo from a high street and you can see a lot of things below, the car in the center was a tuned car:
It's not very common to see that kind of car in my city, I could get a little closer and take a photo:
And I'll say goodbye with this last photo leaving you with a question...
Do you buy water? How much do you pay for it? Here it costs $1 for 20 liters of water...
I hope you found these photos as interesting as I did, thanks for watching!