I want to share with you a series of street photographs that show a bit of everyday life in my city...

I take these kinds of "everyday" photos for many reasons, one of which is to be able to change the perspective people have that everything in Venezuela is falling apart. And don't get me wrong, there are many things wrong in Venezuela BUT there are still many people living here with hope of getting ahead and who strive every day for a better future.

People who invent a thousand and one ways to make money to support their home.

So yes, we all just do what we can.

And for my part, I continue here working with my camera, whether it's for people who hire my photography services or taking street photographs of things that I find beautiful and interesting in my day-to-day life.
Like the following three photos that I took because they had lighting that I found interesting at that moment:

I took the next photo because I liked how the line of trees looked:

I took the next photo because I've grown very fond of Volkswagen cars, they're a workhorse that even today still stand strong!

Photo of the urban landscape, i loved how it is surrounded by trees:

I loved how the building stands out above the trees:

I took the next photo because I found it curious how the woman in the photo had both hands occupied with a plate and an umbrella, a very curious combination...

I hope you enjoyed these photos as much as I did, thanks for watching!