Ok, so there is this economics influencer from the UK and his stuff has popped up in my feed a few times, he's kind of the economist for the average joe and I've watched a few of his videos now and , quite honestly, i think he's missing the whole point.
for example, this video
now he obviously has good intentions and feels the pain of normal people getting squeezed by inflation, but all his arguments are based on class inequality.
GPT summary of that video
Inequality is the underlying cause of economic deterioration, and without addressing it, conditions will worsen for the majority while the wealthy thrive. Bold political and economic changes are necessary to reverse this trend.
now, we've never really had a truly equal society, it's not something that's ever existed. he says it's unfair that the rich with assets are benefiting, but missing the point that when the money weakens, people look to store it anywhere they can.
now, pre-bitcoin, you maybe could have argued that the rich have access to all these fancy investment tools, but for at least 7 years, any regular Joe could have bought bitcoin and smashed all the tradfi metrics to bits. could have become fiat-rich in the process.
IMO, he should be telling his followers that fiat is the poison and the thing that's fucked. sure giving the rich a bash always gets a few clicks, but that's not what it's about. at a minimum, the message should be, start saving what you can in assets, not fiat.
but as it is, it's kind of meh, wealth divide, yeah, no shit.
what do you think, is Gary a legit economist that has been blinded by his Keysian education, or a secret socialist offering nothing but feel-good hot takes?