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These people are a product of the culture and state propaganda in place for generations. Belief that the state has capacity to do things that are not possible. You aren't wrong but I lay blame on the state as an institution for creating this situation.
In truth we all should know better but few of us do. I used to be under this same spell and memory of this always tempers my reaction. The state is a false god that people put trust in. The cost can be very high as in this case.
Incentives are for politicians to tell them things they want to hear. To rail on insurance rates. Politicians are a despicable class that take credit for things they do not control and refuse to take the blame when their policies result in disaster.
Without government you would be a shivering wreck. People are weak and vulnerable alone- it is only by forming and working in groups that humans have come to dominate the environment and resources. Most people quite reasonably want to be governed and if the government was taken away they would very quickly move to create government- to protect their property and to provide security. The quality of government is always debatable and highly variable for sure- but a population of cynical Libertarians is not going to deliver better government. Libertarians are just the neoliberals of the 1980s repackaged into new memes and slogans. Natural monopolies will be exploited by private enterprise unless strictly regulated and controlled by government. The deregulation of banking that occurred under the neoliberals has created a culture of crony capitalism based upon fiat money and rentseeking debt fueled non productive speculation that has created a massive increase in inequality and corrupted the political process. You are right to be critical of politics and politics but you do not offer any credible solutions. In a democracy- even a highly corrupted one mostly undermined by massive corporate patronage what is required is voluntary participation by citizens to push back against the creeping rentseeking of private business interests- Libertarians fail to do this- instead they enable more rentseeking and corruption of our democracies.