My brother in christ downloading an app on your phone is free because you already own your fucking phone. My point is that you don't need ADDITIONAL hardware in shape of credit cards for $100 to store your bitcoin.
Simmer down buddy just having friendly discussion. I’m challenging you on this idea because the unbanked and poor don’t have smart phones. You completely dodged the question and got all into your feels. I didn’t ask what your brother has I asked how much does the hardware cost that will use this free software. Old new or whatever phones cost money unfortunately.
They will need a smart phone to use NFC card wallets too. I'm afraid using bitcoin without at least a cheap smart phone is not really viable in any sort of way.
Yes that is true. I see your position on this. I was thinking phone plus card. Keep card at home but take phone with you so if you break or lose your phone everything is still secured on the card.