I want to play devil's advocate and push back a little bit on the following statement:
Staking pools appear to give power to large, centralised custodians, mirroring dynamics seen in traditional finance. There is risk of censorship and government control.
How are staking pools different than mining pools, considering that individual stakers can choose a different staking pool, should the staking pool misbehave?
I genuinely want to understand and wait your feedbacks and arguments.
Great to see this point of view articulated in a mainstream (at least in πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦) tech publication. Rob is an exceptionally strong economics thinker - hope to see more of his content around!
I do not like going on the defensive here because it makes it seem as if someone deciding who can use energy and who can't is a good idea. But living under such a monopoly will be extremely bad for most people.