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Agree with your frustrations very much. Our last big chance for merchant adoption, where we actually got quite a bit, ended because of this and because of high fees and slow confirmation times. Lightning has fixed this, but all those businesses stopped taking Bitcoin because it's didn't make sense for them to keep accepting it.
FWIW I've adopted a "Bitcoin first" policy in my personal life and business. Before I buy anything, i try to find a vendor who accepts BTC and if they are within reason price-wise, I always pick them. Every vendor I ever interact with, I always ask if they take it, and I tip them generously if they do. But it's a struggle finding vendors who take it.
Another aspect of this is the way taxation works. For many people, if they are spending Bitcoin, they are paying a significant premium on that product and a taxation headache. They bought $10 worth of BTC, it was worth $12 the next day, and now they have to pay the item price plus $2 in capital gains, and track all that. It's a nightmare on the vendor end too if they don't do instant conversion to fiat. I'm hopeful this particular problem will get fixed soonish.