The idea of empowering sovereign individuals is absolutely at the core of what we do, and we see the specific angle of "digital sovereignty" as an area that we can uniquely solve for users over time.
The financial aspects of sovereignty under-gird every other aspect, and so we chose to focus on Bitcoin custody and usage before anything else. We've been very grateful to be able to solve some serious issues we saw in the space with Passport and Envoy. We needed better tools ourselves, and so we set out to build what we would want out of Bitcoin tools and will keep doing so!
As for when we some of us on the team got into the concept:
@zachherbert - I got into Sovereign Individual as a concept after Bitcoin, but our mission as a company is very much inspired by the book itself. I got into Bitcoin first purely for the "Number Go Up" aspects, but quickly got exposed to the values of the space through podcasts like TFTC and lots of reading on my own.
@sethforprivacy - I was very much brought into the concept of sovereignty and personal privacy because of Bitcoin (and Monero!), and doubt I would have cared much for the topics without the community resources and educators in the space like @qna and @odell. Very thankful for the many great people in the space who helped to shape my views!
@qna - I'm very much a sum of the people in the space who have worked hard to educate others in the space, so I came into the concept as well after finding Bitcoin! I echo a lot of Seth's sentiment above as well.
Based AF. Thanks for such a great reply!