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While looking for latest science news, I came across an article which hinted towards aliens and UFo sightings much before 20th century.
To my surprise, I found there that many cultures have had their depiction of such sightings in their historical or mythical texts. I was mainly surprised because I thought that it was only in ancient Hindu texts that described such objects. However the article misses on those evidences but is still relevant. Here's some important excerpt...
Potential Sighting of UFOs in Ancient Times
....ancient texts like Sumerian and Babylonian cuneiform tablets, like those in the Šumma ālu series and other divination texts from the second and first millennia B.C., provide the first known recordings of potential UFO sightings, though these are interpreted as omens. These accounts describe changing shapes in the sky and black meteors, which, at the time, were regarded as religious harbingers. However, these texts lack visual depictions or illustrations.
Potential Sighting of UFOs in 16th Century
In one example, residents of Nuremberg, Germany reported a strange aerial battle on April 14, 1561. They wrote about seeing orbs, crosses, cylinders, and a giant, mysterious black arrow-shaped object, which crash-landed in the distance. According to Hans Glaser, a local artist who made a woodcut depicting the event, the different objects in the sky "all started to fight among themselves" until "they became fatigued … fell from the sun down upon the earth 'as if they all burned' and they then wasted away on the earth with immense smoke." However, he didn't mention UFOs, only writing that "Whatever such signs mean, God alone knows.
I can relate many such incidents from ancient Hindu Scriptures which depict a wars in the sky by some alien forces, held to be as demons and Gods. I believe stories that we listen about aliens and UFOs now has transformed with the advancement of technology. Now that we have spaceships, it made us believe that aliens might have visited us in in one such object.
I believe if there are aliens, one or some of them have already visited our Earth much before 20th century.
Do you believe aliens have visited Earth much before 20th century?
I don't, but I don't discount the possibility either.
Weird events are just weird events, in my mind, until a compelling explanation is made.
I don't, but I don't discount the possibility either.
What does it mean. You seem to be agreeing more than disagreeing.
I'm alright with the uncertainty of not knowing what to believe about some questions.
A belief is a positive assertion of fact. I don't believe that aliens came in historical times, but I also don't believe that they didn't. I haven't seen sufficient evidence for either claim to believe it.
Do you believe in ancient scriptures? If you do, must you not believe in the sightings of aliens in history?
What do you mean by "believe in ancient scriptures"?
I believe ancient scriptures are real historical artifacts.
I don't believe they're 100% accurate.
Ok. So you not gonna agree with me! That's fine.
I agree with you that they aren't 100% accurate. But when I see that almost all of the ancient texts have suggested about flying objects, I can't entirely sideline them. It might be the artistic creativity, then we have flying objects now. Aliens and UFOs, if they are artistic creation of today, they'll be standing in real in future for sure.
I believe that "Reality is creativity and creativity is reality." So either way, they are there.
In a weird turn of events, I just had a wild dream of UFOs... colors & shapes that looked almost precisely like these
Though subjective, some of the possible meanings of dreams include representing unconscious desires and wishes, interpreting random signals from the brain and body during sleep, and consolidating and processing information gathered during the day.
This might be the possible cause.
yeah... dreams appear to be the result of something happening in the brain. it's hard to imagine that it could be processing something that hasn't already been recorded... though i'm sure it's possible to think "new" thoughts in a dream, given that dreams happen in the brain and it's possible to think new thoughts there.
who knows tho... maybe there's something happening in the brains microtubules... maybe our understanding of the brain will improve over time, and we'll learn that dreams aren't happening only in the brain
Dreams are quite fascinating and only the dreamer can know the source of his dreams. So, you better know where did you get from.
Maybe you've met some aliens in your previous life/lives! 😜
I think it's likely, and that there is more than one explanation for unexplainable flying stuff. Something to consider is that if there is such a thing as time travel, then there always has been such a thing as time travel.
What's another paradox? eh?
I agree to your explanation and relating it to time travel. They are all existing things. If they aren't, God wouldn't also be.
I can't be so sure if this can be true, but I believe folklore and mythologies like Hinduism and Egyptian align most closely to heavenly beings. Somewhat, there are chances they might have met some extraterrestrial beings. Nearly all civilizations have signaled that some being came from the sky to help them. But still, they are considered stories though🤷.
That's what I believe in. Thanks.
For sure. At least to come check on whoever was thriving on this planet before whatever cataclysm happened during the Younger Dryas.
I bet they still come because we're probably hella interesting to watch and/or maybe they're trying to give us a helping hand after being knocked back into the stone age.
we're probably hella interesting to watch
This is definitely one thing they are watching keenly. Look at our pace of development, it won't be very long when we reach to their levels.
Yeah, I don't really understand the "humans would be uninteresting to aliens" argument that people like Neil deGrasse Tyson like to make.
I agree. People like him take risk of going against the interest of people by saying opposite things because they know the "Negative" would stir up more interest for the "positive" is already much strong in faith.
I take such people lightly for they try to market themselves this way. The reality is that there's no one in the world who is uninterested in aliens.
There is a narrative that we are insignificant. I disagree with this very strongly. Our improbability and remoteness make us very significant. In fact, quite incredible.
Furthermore, zeros and ones are not superior to us. Don't get me started.
There is a narrative that we are insignificant. I disagree with this very strongly.
Absolutely agree.
  1. What are all the differences between human thought, & zeros & ones? 2. Do you know what the evil twin of good fiction is? Tonight on Troubled Minds Radio. https://troubledminds.org I'm hard-launching my book of #FlashFic tonight. Your subconscious mind is trying to tell you to come.
Don't mind me jumping in, but Neil deGrasse Tyson's perspective actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. From the viewpoint of an advanced alien civilization, humans might not be as fascinating as we assume. If they've mastered interstellar travel, they've likely witnessed countless civilizations rise and fall. Our technological progress, while impressive to us, could seem primitive to them.
Can be or can't be. We really don't know till now.
Right, I just don't think primitive and uninteresting go hand in hand, necessarily.
Do you believe aliens have visited Earth much before 20th century?
They have not visited Earth before the 20th century and will not visit it after the 20th century because they don't exist, IMO.
Aren't Opinions the lowest form of human knowledge?
So do you think we're the first lifeforms to exist in the universe or the last lifeforms to exist?
Yes, of course!
Which one?
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Bit_Alb 16 Jan
Ah I see!
If that’s the case we’d better make it work.