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The more I learn about these terrible fires in LA the more damning the case against government becomes. Granted, I think the monopoly of the "state" is evil for many reasons but still.
The idea that this disaster can be laid at any other individual or group's feet is absurd. Isn't it? Every aspect of this to me seems to be owned or largely influenced by the various levels of government. Its kinda mind blowing to me.
I bet, if we had a free society and the cities were privately managed by different companies, if you had insurance companies that hired fire prevention services and those companies were found to be as incompetent as the various government agencies there would be massive lawsuits filed. Companies would go bankrupt. The insurance companies would be blamed without hesitation.
All of this would be justified. This mind virus of "government" being special because it isn't private is really being shown to be absurd. Political incentives are being shown to be inferior to market incentives over and over again. The people are taught to believe this nonsense by the government schools populated by teachers that believe the same nonsense.
How does it end? This tragedy makes me wonder. California's government is not special. Its just closer to socialism than other states. When you read about the USSR you find there were many failures and absurd ones. We are seeing just a small taste of this in California. California is not alone. We see government failures in New Orleans and in the floods of North Carolina as well.
I hope more people begin to see what is going on but I'm not counting on it.
I don't know, @kepford (if that is your real name), just this morning a colleague of mine who knows nothing about the situation confidently attributed it to climate change. I guess it's the government's fault for not doing enough, to stop us from hurting the climate.
Seriously, though, this doesn't change until the rug gets pulled from under the entire system. I'm increasingly sure of that everyday. Thank goodness such a rugging is underway.
California is the most progressive state on climate policy. Ask your colleague which climate policy could have prevented or mitigated the fire damage
We both know there will be no answer.
Eco terrorism is not a crime in California
This ^
Yeah... I know. I keep hearing California conservatives say the state is gonna turn around after this. The Dems are done. I'm not buying it. The mind programming is deep and Covid didn't wake these people up. If burning down their houses doesn't it isn't happening.
I don't cheer on the rugging but I agree with you. Its gonna have to get very bad and even then people won't get it. The government will collapse and people will still blame capitalism.
The climate change thing is so absurd. OK, lets say that we can lay he blame on the planet. Well... then if you are so sure of the danger why weren't you more prepared? Its just another easy out for gutless spineless bureaucrats and politicians.
My recent experience #852713 gives me less hope. The people in the state seem well and thoroughly brainwashed, from an early age
Sadly I agree with you.
agree with both of you
Time for my tin foil hat: Hollywood has a disproportionate effect on CA politics and there is one demographic that will never change their views on anything unless it's the Holocaust
How do you fire your government exactly?
And if you say elections I'm down-zapping you. ;)
When elections happen the politicians change. Its not like firing a company and picking a new one with different people and maybe a completely different approach. This is a rhetorical question of course but good lord is this a case study in what is wrong with monopoly political governance failure.
From an individual perspective, the only ways to fire your government are by moving away from its jurisdiction or going full sovereign citizen mode.
full sovereign citizen mode
You mean full sovereign individual mode. Just another way to describe wealth btw.
Ok, I mean becoming completely non-compliant. I have my doubts about how long that can be maintained, but there are people who claim to do it.
Yeah... I have a friend that was a cop in the past. He has some stories of these people. Doesn't go well for them. They try all these magic phrases and stuff. Not saying it can't work but I'd rather just build wealth and insulate myself from the state. There are many strategies I've read about that seem to work though but the "movement" is very diverse and there aren't clear lines about what it really is and isn't.
The people I take most seriously on this topic never use the term... they just avoid a lot of stuff and have many tactics. There's a lot of overlap with people looking for extreme privacy as well. Use the system to your advantage with your eyes open.
Oh no... you said the phrase. You're gonna make me put you in time out.
The answer is simple to my question.
Its the government's fault when the other team is in charge. When "my" team is in charge its the other team's fault as well.
Seems every year California is on fire
Always been that way. Fires are a part of the ecosystem of California. What has changed since my childhood here is forest and water management, and people moving into fire prone zones.
Outsiders and many in the state do not understand the weather patterns, climate, and forests. They taught it very differently in schools back in the 80s when I was growing up.