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If I'm looking at this graph right, then the total zaps per month are somewhere around 100-110k sats.
That's the graph for individual zaps. It counts how many times the zap button is pressed. The amount of sats zapped is in the spending graph:
So the amount zapped per month is actually between 2.5m and 4.5m sats.
So we have 20+ territories, all sharing the total income of 100k, while spending 50k per month each? Or what am I missing?
You're missing post fees as a source of revenue (1-2m sats per month).
But even with these corrected numbers your implied conclusion is still correct: most territories are not turning a profit.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @Taft 20h
most territories are not turning a profit.
That seems naive to ask: If they are not profitable, why keep them active?
Some artists came here not to get but give. At some point you'll comprehend stackerNews is about community not about sats
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 19h
Is it? Maybe once upon a time, but now...
Got it, thank you so much! Any plans on reducing the fee for territories?)