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i think its two things:
  1. commies are in general lazy
  2. commies are inherently neutered in potential ways that their ideas are realized, ie they want the liberalization of the common worker, and that is only done via complete submission of freedoms by all to the State .
Both these reasons combined result in reddit being the maximum extent a commie can see as both a way to resist and enact cultural change via the Keyboard.
Or...could be its structure of self-moderating communities probably draws in pro-censorship peoples to positions of power, and that has both pushed away freedom focused peoples that want more free flowing convos, and also propped up a certain similar left leaning voice to be amplified and thus replicated by users wanting to increase influence. the result is just commies...commies everywhere.
well thats my rambling thoughts 😅
Group think to the maximum. All social media ends up being an echo chamber due to algorithms etc.
Bitcoin is no different however there is typically a lot of nuanced infighting on ideas and rarely is there consensus on much beyond 21M etc.
I think some countries are more cucked than others culturally too. Canadians are too nice and can fall for the ideals preached by commies easier than Americans. Potentially the only reform against creeping socialistic ideologies is suffering the pain that is caused by them for years or decades before people realize government can’t print and tax the problems away.
Argentina is probably the best example of a cultural shift towards free markets after decades of degradation