According to Elliptic, the alleged Chinese spies used Wasabi CoinJoin before bribing a U.S. agent (who I guess was actually a double agent?). This is an important case to follow: I imagine there'll be a lot more pressure on Wasabi because, of course, 18th Century pirates used gold coins and therefore everyone in the 18th Century who used gold coins was a pirate, amirite.
Some links if you want to deep dive:
Why is no-one talking about Chinese officials using Bitcoin despite banning mining?
LOL good point, didn't think of that
Oh jeeze. Doesn't Wasabi already block coins from addresses on the OFAC list? I'm not sure what more they can be asked to do besides KYC their customers, or purposely leak identifying information.
Here's a detailed FBI summary of the case if anyone wants to read into the details of the espionage —