Peace on earth is a wish that gets extra emphasis this time of year. We’re told to pray for it, wish for it, keep it forever in our minds. So why don’t we have it?
The short answer is money. War is profitable to some. It’s profitable enough that profiteers in private industries influence government, which stays home and orders others to do the fighting. War costs money. Where does the government get it? Visible taxes (income, corporate, and payroll) cover about two-thirds of government revenue. The rest comes from borrowing and inflation.
While no era of US history was free of conflicts, the period following Reconstruction—when the income tax and the Fed were yet to intrude on our lives, thus limiting government revenue—was one of the most peaceful ever. We should never feed an institution that thrives on war. End the Fed. End the income tax. Starve the beast.
This is another reason to, as Ron Paul says, ”END THE FED!” They are the guarantors of the means to make wars and they profit greatly for it. They are also the reason why we never have a repeat of the glorious days of deflation; where your dollar buys more as time goes on and your savings actually accumulate more buying power. But, NO we must have inflation that hurts creditors while helping debtors. This is one of the problems BTC can cure and was designed to cure. FTS, all hail BTC!!