Just listened to the Stacker News Live Podcast about if value for value has failed or not: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCUg25RmTEo&ab_channel=StackerNewsLive
The main response, in the podcast and in the original Post #853884 seems to be that
Is it still early tho?
This talking point in general. About Bitcoin in general. It's something I probably said in 2020. But it has been half a decade since then. Half a decade. And there are no Lightning terminals in 7/11 or Walmart or Lidl or Carrefour. There doesn't have to be a Lightning terminal in all of these places, just give me one (1) only one. But there aren't.
Normally technologies should adopt fast like a virus. Sure, the internet existed in the 90s and in 2007 few people already owned a smartphone. But software on the internet should adopt faster than that. At the moment I'm not even sure if it's growing (in terms of number of people) at all. Maybe it's already shrinking in # people and only growing in $$ because people stack and hodl their paychecks.
Also the market cap of Bitcoin of 2 Trillion does not make it sound like we're still early. Maybe we have lost a lot of Bitcoin to broken laptops in 2011, burned paper wallets and incompetence, maybe it's 1 Trillion market cap. Still not early anymore.
So what

I don't want to be a pessimist. Pessimism is often a coping mechanism and a gut reaction of the human mind. My fear is more that we do have to come to terms with the possibility of Bitcoin staying an underground technology. In the past I thought about this possibility like a choice. Maybe it isn't our choice, maybe that's what Bitcoin naturally is. In its very nature.
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