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Since https://njump.me seems the best way currently to share Nostr links outside of Nostr, I was about to ask for a "Join Nostr" link, but then I noticed...there it is! Awesome. 😊
So my next question to whomever runs njump.me is, any possibility of getting referral stats? That is, how many folks joined Nostr from things that I put out there?
No reason other than curiosity and that it'd be neat to say, "Hey, I got three people to join Nostr!"
I just added the button a couple of days ago :)
No, you cannot to have this sort of stats. But you can personalize the final suggestion of the onboarding wizard adding your profile at the top of the list, sharing:
So you can track new followers and have some feedback about your invite link.
Good button and good to know about customizing the link.
@koob the inline rendering has a bug, it picks also subdomains (start.njump.me in this case).
Edit: using `` I was able to display the full URL, but the link is still wrong