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Let’s get to it.
I hate to tell you this, but it gets worse. The terrible two stage isn’t exaggerated. It can be a living hell at times haha.
I know because my daughter just celebrated her second birthday. We are in the thick of action. I wish to say that I’m in the eye of the storm but nope.
I have two kids. I am amazed at why people choose to have a 3rd or 4th kid too.
But as much as I am struggling now, I can tell you why being a father of two is different from being a father of one:
  • my life expands
  • I get amazed all the time at how my elder son is different from my daughter, despite inheriting from the same DNA haha. Children are really their own people. Gifts from God.
  • i am blessed that the son loves his sister. Not much sibling rivalry. The bickering over toys can be hard to endure sometimes. But it’s also awesome to see him caring genuinely for her. Almost worth all the shit I’m going through now.
You should then post your writing more often here. I will read xP
Seems like you have your coping mechanism down pat. Yes, just breathe