Yesterday I did a digital detox. I haven't done one in a while, and it felt rejuvenating. As a matter of fact, I had some serious hesitation when turning on the internet again, even though I have work to do. I cherish my digital detox time, it feels like a polluting fog has been, temporarily, removed from my mind.
What did I do? I got a hike in with my spouse - a hike we've done a lot - but this time we discovered a little detour to a spot with some wonderful views. I marked the spot with some cairns, hopefully we'll find it again.
I also:
- Reorganized the camping section of the garage - a lot of stuff was on the floor, and had been for a while. When I'm not distracted by connectivity, I actually see problems around the house, things I can and should fix. And I fix them!
- Fixed some rubber gloves with holes in them. It turns out that it's very easy to do, with shoo goo.
- Fixed some camping equipment - a set of folding chairs were really hard to assemble, I added a pull strap to make it easier.
- Reviewed my EDC (every day carry) and added items that were missing
- Had a solid ukulele session
- Read a couple books (nonfiction, really I skimmed them for some specific information).
- Had a long conversation on the phone, with a friend I haven't talked to in months.
How does my digital detox work? I actually do use my phone and my laptop, during a digital detox day. However, I limit usage, as described below.
Phone - I switch to an alternative launcher app on my Android (graphene) phone - I use Slim Launcher. The only apps I use are the phone and texting. I enjoy having long phone converstations on my digital detox day (I prefer meeting people in person, but that doesn't always work out). I've thought about NOT using my phone at all during a digital detox (and have tried it) but not being able to make phone calls is a hassle, and I don't see that as a useful part of a digital detox.
Laptop - I run this command in powershell:
Disable-NetAdapter -Name "Wi-Fi" -confirm:$false
Later on, when I want to turn the network card on again, I run this: Enable-NetAdapter -Name "Wi-Fi" -confirm:$false
So basically I have all the functionality of my laptop EXCEPT it has no connectivity. No email, no websurfing, no constant checking of news, etc.
THIS is the real benefit - I'm cut off from even the temptation to "check" something. It's amazing, when I'm writing something on my laptop during a digital detox, how often I think to myself, "I'll just check XYZ website", or "Let me see what the bitcoin price is" or "I wonder what the weather will be tomorrow".
If I had been connected at that point, I would have immediately opened up another tab, and distracted myself. I would have lost focus on what I'm doing, and focus is IMPORTANT.
So, what I can still do on my laptop is a lot. I can edit docs, and write docs. I have all my ukulele music on my laptop. I keep a ukulele tab open in the browser ( that actually works, even though there's no connection.
Doing digital detox days was one of the reasons that I switched away from tools like Google Docs, that require you to be online in order to write and manage your docs. The switch was a lot of work, but now that I'm off Google docs (and won't go back), I can do whatever writing I want, while offline.