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502 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 21 Jan \ on: Examples of culture being downstream from technology? Politics_And_Law
We seem to blame technology for cultural problems first - eg why we don't trust institutions, why teens are depressed and single - which is at least one data point from the wise crowd.
I think if you look at any tech - cars, video games - you can find cultures formed around them. I expect macroculture to be downstream of microculture and that these technologies at least exert a weak, derivative force on broader culture.
This also loosely reminds me of Technological determinism and splitting the atom of cause and effect - Lyn's theory is that communication technology determined money technology.
@Car is fond of saying ~culture is downstream of ~music which is a form of ~tech.
Speaking of the atom, some of my favorite cultural products arose out of the fear of nuclear war. Namely, the Fallout video game series and the Watchmen graphic novel.
Just because something is downstream of technology doesn’t mean it receives it last or necessarily first. History suggests it often gets an early, half-baked version instead.
Steve Jobs discussed computers as a new medium of communication.
Historically, each new medium—like radio, television, or the internet—began by mimicking its predecessor before developing its unique characteristics.
I actually wrote about this last year on Thriller and tend to think about this a lot. I've come to the conclusion like everyone that its just iterative.
Humans like to blame things outside of their control. Its a way that we can absolve ourselves of responsibility for solutions and blame. Most of all it can be an excuse for doing nothing.
Its true of me with blaming government for so many problems. It almost doesn't matter if we are correct because its outside of our control. I might say the government is doing something and its terrible. As an individual I have very minimal effect on that. But... what can I do in response to avoid the negative consequences?
Well that takes work and its much easier to call out statists and collect my sats from the people that like my memes...
Preaching to myself but I think many here are hit by this too if they're honest.