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What is notable about this round of new pardons, however, is how many of them are for federal bureaucrats or officials who are deeply enmeshed in the federal government at the highest levels of power. Those who did not directly hold such positions were family members of the now-former president. Moreover, all of these pardons for high-ranking personnel and their family members are preemptive pardons granting blanket immunity to friends of the Biden faction of the regime.
Specifically, Biden granted preemptive pardons to Anthony Fauci, General Mark Milley, James Biden, Sara Biden, Valerie Biden Owens, John Owens, and Francis Biden. The list also includes all the members of the January 6 committee plus committee staff, and the Capitol police officers who testified before the select committee.
In short, these pardons are designed to provide legal immunity for Biden loyalists within the ruling class—and their toadies, such as the Capitol police—in case the voters get uppity. That is, with Trump owing his election to certain populist elements of the electorate, some pressure groups might be able to successfully demand prosecution of especially hated and brazen federal officials.
The recent frenzy of pardons is an important reminder that there is no such thing as the so-called “rule of law” in the United States. There is one set of rules for people who win the favor of the regime. There is another set of rules for those who pay for everything. In practice, of course, those at the top are usually able to prevent their friends and allies form being prosecuted at all. With the expansion of abusive pardon powers, however, it is even easier to ensure that the regime’s friends never need pay the price for their crimes. The state will protect its own.
Yeah, you think so? If and when the people start with their own natural law courts and grand juries, their might be a little bit of a different outcome than THOSE people getting off Scot free for their criminal behavior. For instance: Fauci, a known mass murder of the likes of Mengele. There are many others and treason cannot be pardoned when treason is the suspected crime. Those toadies of the state may just have to keep their heads on swivels.