Pared down to the bare essentials, governments can be very useful in passing and enforcing a small number of very basic laws. These laws should be limited to policing those who would seek to aggress against others, or their property. Governments may also have a value in providing protection from invasion – organizing an army of able-bodied people to address this collective problem, if and when it occurs.
And that’s about it. Beyond that, the private sector can, and almost always does, do a better job at virtually everything else. Therefore, a government should be small, cost very little to run and do as little as possible.
But since a government already exists, why not have it do more? Why not assign to it some of those tasks that tend not to attract businessmen? …….
All the best propaganda appeals at a gut level. If people can be made to abandon reason and accept government-created fear, they can be controlled.
This doesn’t mean that governments can’t ever be trusted, but it means that they shouldn’t ever be trusted. They should always be questioned, not only as their propaganda is so often false, but as they are, inherently, in the flimflam business.
Yes, this guy has it right, FTS. I especially like his take on trusting the government. You can trust the government to steal, lie, cheat and murder, those you can really trust. Everything else…..meh. What do you think?