This misses the whole point of the tweet thread - all of the above could be done on traditional payment rails. Netflix is currently a monthly subscription for unlimited use, but they could very easily offer an option where you pay for a certain number of minutes and pay the content provider based on views. Youtube is ad-based (or subscription) now but could also easily offer something where users pay for their usage directly.
It could be done, but I would not use it! I value Lightning/BTC differently and treat it differently to fiat and I bet many people here feel the same. From the outside, Lightning and Fiat might seem to have similar capabilities, but the difference is what they mean. I have no issues using Lightning for tipping, boosting, and doing V4V online, but I am very reluctant to reach over for my credit card to 'just deposit $10 to get 1000 credits to upvote on Facebook'. I would literally never do the later.
I am a funny fish like that, but just because two things seem the same on the outside does not mean that they are equal.
The circular economy of e.g. earning sats by listening to a podcast on or from micro jobs, then tipping comments on Stacker News is great and will only continue to get better.