Ok, just finished this one and it was a good read - synopsis
Roger Reaves grew up a poor farm boy in Georgia and went from making 'moonshine' to becoming one of the most prolific smugglers of the 20th century. He covered six continents, transporting 20 ton ship loads of hash, tons of cocaine, and completed more than 100 sorties across the US border with plane loads of marijuana. His friends and associates spanned the globe. From Medellin Cartel kingpins Jorge Ochoa and Pablo Escobar; to "Mr Nice" Howard Marks and the infamous Barry Seal who was Rogers close friend and employee. He escaped from prison on five seperate occasions; was shot down in both Mexico and Colombia; and tortured almost to death in a Mexican prison.
So the first half the book is about his life on the farm in rural Georgia and other various vignettes, the smuggling stuff doesn't start until like 20% through the book. Some people may find that boring.
I actually enjoyed the vignettes and little stories of his life. Classic boomer stuff of people randomly dying doing stupid shit, people shooting each other over offended honour, hillbilly gangs, and all sorts.
another thing I also found interesting was how easy it was to get a job back in those days, he'll roll in somewhere and get a job doing something, from fireman to railroad, to electrician to builder. just hitchhiking all over the place and working, farming, and all kinds of stuff.
The drug smuggling stuff was also very interesting of course as he was one of the main guys, but man, the amount of double-crossing and backstabbing would be too much for me.
It was also a bit frustrating that after various escapes and things, he would still go back to smuggling, and something would go wrong. Like dude, you have millions and you're free, just settle down already!
So if you like crime books and things like that, I would say check it out. he's also been on a few pods, recently he was on Soft white Underbelly and the James Altachur podcast , but I liked his one on Danny Jones best