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Important Update: Security Incident

We experienced another attack this morning and have been investigating it since then. Rest assured, we're working hard to identify and fix the vulnerability.
Our team is prioritizing this issue to ensure everything is secure, and we’ll be back online as soon as the fix is in place.
Thank you for your patience and ongoing support during this time.
Yes noticed the imbalances in the big bash league market after this morning’s result. What is the attacker doing?
Very sophisticated attack vector, first he floods our db with tons of automated request, then tires to execute double sell. In some cases he succeeded in some cases he failed. We'll fix it no matter what. Once we get online, we'll also fix the odds of all the affected markets (La Liga, Premier League and BBL) as well.
Interesting. Just from looking at his activity, I thought it might have been something simpler, like leveraging an imbalance in how the odds adjust on buys vs sells.
Yes that what he's doing, but in very fast automated way, issuing parallel buys of YES and NO, also sells the same way. Tries to sell the same YES/NO shares in parallel.
In a nutshell, basically we have a parallel BUY/SELL problem, and we need to fix it.
I am sure you will get it sorted out.
Bro there not giving you an easy ride, hope you get online asap
Yes, we've been loosing our sleep every other week. At the same time, the optimist in me sees the early attacks on our beta as blessing in disguise, its preparing us for the next steps.
If they're attacking you, you're doing something they're afraid of.
Keep on building
🙏 Thanks, I feel a little better now.