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A while ago I had problems restoring my Blixt wallet.
The great @DarthCoin tried to help me, although I was unsuccessful, however he recommended that I contact the developer hampus in the Blixt group on telegram.
I was able to talk to hampus and discovered that the problem originated in the backup file of the lightning channel.
When I made my backup when I created the LN channel, I saved the file in Proton-drive. Then when it was my turn to restore the wallet, I downloaded the file normally from Proton and went on to try to restore the wallet without success.
As you can see, the original file weighs 132B and on the contrary, the file downloaded from Proton ends up on the device with a size of 45B. Hampus told me that the file must weigh at least 100B in order for the restore to be able to be performed normally.
And in this case, that is the problem, the file being 45B is not enough to perform the restore.
However, restoring and selecting the file directly from Proton-drive does not work. And as I already mentioned when I download the file to the phone, to perform the restore with the file from the device, it is downloaded weighing 45B instead of the original 132B.
If you are reading this, I would appreciate it if you could contribute something that would help solve this problem.
Sometimes cloud providers will compress and/or delete metadata from your files a little too liberally...
You should talk to Proton support and explain that the file size is different than advertised once you download it. Maybe they can fix the issue or give you direct download link.
P.S. its important to verify your backups before you NEED too. Good luck!
Thank you very much for the advice, I will try that way and see what I can achieve.
Supposedly theres no compression. IDK why they would remove metadata.
I've had this issue downloading .BIN files, specifically. Cloud providers usually don't want untrusted binaries in their infra so they do all sorts of manipulation on them that isn't always safe for the integrity of the data.
Make a new backup.
Don't you have other way than proton shit to save that file outside of your device? Just copy it over LAN to another PC/laptop/NAS/whatever. There are many file manager apps that can connect to a shared folder in LAN. Or you can save it on a mSD card and move it like that to your new device.
You can even share it with ES Strong file explorer between 2 mobile devices, without passing through any intermediary like proton.
Ok, I have to keep investigating and learning more. I honestly made the backup there thinking that it would be safe and without problems. Then I got this surprise. 😵 As always, thank you for your help and taking a minute to respond here.
Make a new backup
I think I can't make another backup, how can I do it if I'm trying to recover the channel that I had opened and that was supposedly backed up by that mentioned file. In the wallet there are no signs of any LN channel to make a new backup.
So you do not have anymore the old device with blixt ?
There is another experimental method to fully restore blixt with active channels. But is a hidden feature.
Open source and frictionless.
Thanks 🤝🤠 for mentioning this tool.
good one !
did you restore it in the end?
I haven't found the time to sit down and try again. thanks for asking
Have you tried downloading the file from a desktop?
Good info and thanks for mentioning it, but no, I'll try it. I've always been doing all that from my phone.
Any luck?
Thanks for sharing.. 👌