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Yoga isn't the pretty shapes we make. It's so much more—spiritual, introspective, a pastime, an intellectual history etc. The masters, new and old, still quibble about its nature.
But yoga is also the pretty shapes we make. They reflect, as I sometimes cheekily say, the pretty nature we adore and aspire to become.
Not to turn SN into IG/yogaporn and the Stackers into endless IG doomscrollers, the crow (Kakasana) and, in time, the crane (Bakasana)—which I roughly treat as synonymous—have been my eternal companions.
For years, I’ve done them practically everywhere.
Crows were among the first arm balances that consumed me, that had my ego pumping and my sense of awe channeled into a physical asana. They are me in some cosmic, overwhelming, inexplicable sense.
Certain asanas just speak to us in this unfakeable way. What appeals to me even now, so many years later, is the playful balance between safety and fear, the compressed midline—holding my full potential together in a strong, tightly held ball.
What I feel in my body is a sense of absolute bliss and stillness and determined focus.
The Yoga Journal writes that

"Bakasana teaches you to create connections between your arms and knees, abdominals and spine, mind and body.”

Hashtag why fucking not.
...and my most flashy of crows/cranes, having absolutely noooothing to do with the background (nono!):
(Not sure what I should call it… my knees are well up, per crane, but I still can’t straighten my arms, which we usually do in full cranes)
the fullest versions I have pictures of:
Perhaps I should just stay humble and, um, eat crow. But here we are, loving the crow.

Previous Yoga Journey posts: #856250 #863896
Kow! Kagasan! Crow pose!! Great Stuff!!
Here's a little additional info about it.

How to do the pose

Physical Benefits of Doing Bakasana

  • Helps in Strengthening the Back and Abdominal Muscles
  • Strengthens arms so they can hold your body weight.
  • Strengthens core to help hold you up.
  • Strengthens glutes and adductors.
  • Strengthens shoulder stabilisers.
  • Prepares you for most other arm balances.
  • It helps make your wrists stronger.
  • Your spine is toned and strengthened.
  • Improves Blood Circulation
  • Helps Relieve Anxiety and Stress
  • Improves courage, focus and removes stress and anxiety
  • Improves sexual and digestive health.
Improves courage, focus and removes stress and anxiety Improves sexual and digestive health.
I love these types of observations. Not that I doubt yogis having found some spiritual/amazing connection between the body... but my sexual health improves by doing crows??
Lol, I've failed on it more times than anything else. But it keeps coming back. Will try again today. Haha
Is it necessary to do it at the top of the cliff or on big stones?
veeeery optional!
Crows in the wild
That was us in June 2023
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @mod 31 Jan
🚩 This post might be more relevant and engaging in the ~spirituality territory.