I like the touch of having the people and companies willingly enforce the laws via incentives and social pressure. When people think of totalitarian regimes, they often think of the way "lions" tend to run them. Lions use direct force and action to get things done. What they don't realize is that our governments, NGOs, and mega-corporations are all run by "foxes". Foxes like to use indirect and dishonest methods of control primarily. Doesn't mean that lions can't be tricky and foxes forceful. They each have their own tendencies, though.
I like the general idea and message of the article but I feel it could be better worded on some parts.
Some sentences read too much like current 2022 bitcoin maxi tweets which feels out of place within a sci-fi short story.
The main character has inner thoughts like a bitcoiner sovereign individual but at the same type is complacent and compliant with this dystopia, that is what feels mostly inconsistent.
This is very well written. Motivates me to write something for Bitcoin Magazine.