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What do you think? 🫵🤔
about these two options
you can say whatever you think about it
Bitcoin needs the US Government.6.7%
Government is the one who needs Bitcoin.93.3%
15 votes \ poll ended
5 sats \ 1 reply \ @ama 27 Jan
I chose the second one, but I'd rather say that governments, like everyone else (people, organizations, companies, etc.) will benefit from Bitcoin. And the sooner they get involve, the more the benefits.
Very well, I agree, I share your point of view and opinion.
Neither is true.
Ok, and how do you come to that conclusion? Explain yourself so that we can all be educated.
Bitcoin is completely separate from any nation state by design(or any 3 centralized entity wanting control) so it has failed if it depends on any nation state for its success.
The us govt can print money from nothing so they have no need for bitcoin. Instead they are at direct odds with something that takes the money printer and control away from them.
The US government can print money out of thin air, so it doesn't need bitcoin. Instead, it is in direct conflict with something that takes away its money printer and control.
This is exactly why I mention the "The Government is the One Who Needs Bitcoin" option. The government has already tried to overthrow Bitcoin, and failed in every attempt. Overthrow it because it directly undermines its reign of printing money and extracting wealth from citizens.
Since it can't overthrow it, it is now up to it to join in and see how it can take advantage of it to defend its scheme.
I fail to see how a govt can take advantage of sound money to defend its creating money out of thin air scheme. Care to fill in the blanks?
I think the United States is only getting closer to Bitcoin and crypto to continue positioning the dollar as the number 1 currency in the world. In addition, at some point they will regret that the dollar has no real backing, and that is where the Bitcoin holdings they acquire from this year onwards come into play.
to try to continue giving confidence in their papers 💵
Governments or States are the ones that need Bitcoin, for each of its characteristics which have made it one of the best assets in history.
Personally I think it's all based on "game theory."
Honestly, governments can't be interested in Bitcoin, they already have and know about hard money. And hard money limits their ambitions and their ability to create infrastructure or a war, considering the scarcity of resources. Governments have sworn eternal love to the printer 🖨️ There is no greater power than that of creating money out of nothing, paper money with which you can then obtain anything in the material world.