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For those choosing to stay, California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced an executive order on Sunday that he's going to help streamline the rebuilding process by waiving two building permits for homeowners and businesses
Newsom waived California's Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), which is meant to protect surrounding residents from the pollution that's produced by construction.
Newsom also waived the California Coastal Act, which protects the coast's habitat and ensures that buildings don't interfere with public access to it.
"It can take three to six months to pull a permit normally, and I imagine this is going to be probably weeks at the most," Cantor said.
Cantor, however, expects some challenges for homeowners and businesses.
"What we don't know is how quickly the insurance companies are going to be able to process the claims," Cantor said. "If they're building in kind, it'll be a very fast track permit, but if somebody wants to customize what they had, then that might extend the process."
Something is better than nothing from the state!
So it turns out they aren’t needed after all!
that's what Bill Maher said
There are no solutions, only tradeoffs.
My job is a scrum master to push lean and agile processes. The government has tons of waste and things that aren’t needed. Cut the fat and get solutions. This isn’t rocket science… if it’s important you find a way. If not you find an excuse
CA government is the opposite of lean and agile. The state is controlled by public sector unions who have zero interest in finding a way.
The state assembly recently passed 50 million dollars to Trump proof the state, only to table the measure because of the public outrage in a one party state.
And this is the end result of 10 miles of red tape. Who is surprised?
Incentives are the issue. Political allocation of resources will always be inferior to market allocation. The problem is at the root.
Always? What about efforts that don’t yield profit?
105 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 27 Jan
I want to add this is what I think. I could be wrong. Could be wrong on many things. I've learned over time that I've been wrong many times. Always looking to learn and improve. Been thinking about this political vs market allocation for a while. Try to punch some holes in it.
my batting average is 99%, not perfect but almost perfect
Like what? Politics outside of the state is never considered a better option. Think about this. If someone says that guy got the promotion because of politics that's not a complement.
Can you come up with an example? Charity is a good one but I'd argue market charity is superior to political charity. Medicine is another example but that one is terrible. I stand by always until I hear a good argument to the contrary. With respect.
One of the problems caused by the state entering these no profit areas is that they discourage market entrance and distort the natural market.
The market is the true democracy people just don't realize it.
I think always because political forces are greater than market forces. No one represents market forces in Sacramento
Incentive results not political incentives and lobbying. Citizens need to up our game!
As a scrum master you manage 10 day or 2 week sprints right?
That doesn't happen in Sacramento or Los Angeles
Yup. They should implement something similar. Look up lean it started in the automobile industry in japan
In the 1970s right?
Taguchi optimizations
update: have you seen Nissan today? Nissan is in trouble
How can you rebuild when no one will insure the property?