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This is the BIG issue I have with No-Kyc Bitcoin. The vast majority of the funding methods, like Strike, CashApp, Zelle etc... Are totally KYC anyway.
And in the Case of Strike, the vast majority of fiat sends and receives through that app (just using common sense) are no-kyc Bitcoin buys through other users.
And if both sender and receiver are using Strike (so the company has kycd them and knows identities etc) then they know exactly what is going on.
In my opinion it's more 'privacy theater' than actual privacy. What am I missing here?
AVOID STRIKE and CASHAPP. Never use an app that has your identity AND holds your bitcoins.
I also don't like Zelle, but for other reasons. They mark everything as fraud if you're abroad and behind a VPN.
I still use a remittance app called Wise (similar to Revolut) as I live in China and since my days in Indonesia, it's been a great way to send and receive different currencies of money.
And since I already have it, it works great with buying and selling bitcoins... I have to fly around a lot and as much as bitrefill and the like are cute for gift cards, prepaid visas of ONLY $500 aren't enough for my lifestyle. Buying flights for 4 people cost a few grand, so at the moment, I have a bank, and I use it to send money to the US, swap my Chinese RMB salary for USD or EUR etc. It has some utility.
But this bank and my bitcoin are separate. Always. Except when I buy or sell bitcoins via ACH or Wise. Then my counterparty knows my name. But living in China, I can't exactly accept cash for bitcoin.