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33 sats \ 5 replies \ @justin_shocknet 31 Jan \ parent \ on: Tether is back on Bitcoin - Lightning Dominance Is Just Starting bitcoin
There's no good reason for someone to use stablecoins, and stablecoins on Lightning are particularly retarded vs. a centralized SQL database which is all they're resolving to in the end anway...
but "decentralized" transmission for stablecoins is still not as retarded as the idiots in the linked youtube video. Two of the dumbest astroturf spook fake-bitcoiners around.
In case no ones noticed, there's no law in the US anymore... that means no war on "crypto" and or the capital controls that protect the status quo of fiat exchange rates. The framework these bozo's live in is over, time to wake up and smell the new framework.
The purpose of a thing is what it does. What Tether does, is maintain buy pressure for US treasuries while dollarizing the rest of the world... a necessary step in destroying all other fiats as hyperbitcoinization can only occur after hyperdollarization consolidates all fiat before the last slurp.
Tether is the sly roundabout model for the Bitcoin backed US dollar. As the demand for tethers increase with dollarization, they buy and export US treasuries. The "yield" from which is kept in Bitcoin on their balance sheet and re-collateralized to prevent deflationary collapse of the dollar as the infinite debt of the fiat system is repaid.
We've avoided CBDC's with the trade-off of a Bitcoin backed dollar to foam the runway for the legacy financial system.
EDIT: Checking in on all the half-wits that weren't suspicious about all the shady ECash project funding, Tether is just the first neo-bank to do this, it won't be the last.
The purpose of a thing is what it does. What Tether does, is maintain buy pressure for US treasuries while dollarizing the rest of the world... a necessary step in destroying all other fiats as hyperbitcoinization can only occur after hyperdollarization consolidates all fiat before the last slurp.
Totally concur on this! This is how things will play out, and personally I am very happy to spend some stablecoins these days using Travala, if I was 100% in Bitcoin instead of ~90% I simply would not even have gotten started with anything new since all my attention would have to be on how Bitcoin behaves...
Will Bitcoin win this battle as well, a few years down the line? Maybe!
In the meantime I will have to be practical about things, especially so that I never end in the big trap of having to sell it all in a deep bear market...
The practicality in all of this for me is that stablecoins have protected my main Bitcoin holdings, from late 2020 until now!
They're very exclusive, these are big blockers that despite having a whiff of national security state levels of conspiracy still think Bitcoin is a coincidence that will be co-opted out of convenience.
"To anyone who thinks this is a good thing"
It's moving a highway over to a new bridge while there's still traffic moving across it. Its a stupid thing that's beneath anyone in Bitcoin for ideological reasons, but necessary incremental progress towards a Bitcoin standard in a world where not everyone is just going to wake up an ideological bitcoiner tomorrow.
Lots of ad hominems. You sure you it's not that you just don't like them?
necessary incremental progress towards a Bitcoin standard
TIL shitcoins on bitcoin is moving towards a bitcoin standard. LOL
Usually you're on point but this a miss for sure. Agree to disagree.
ad hominems
Wrong, I didn't say their arguments are flawed because they're spooks and morons, I just said they're spooks and morons
don't like them
They're anti-Bitcoiners pretending to be Bitcoiners so they concern troll people into big block shitcoins... they're enemy operatives, so... yes?
shitcoins on bitcoin
No, offshore dollarization is the incremental step... stablecoins are just greasing the skids for that... again they could just use SQL.
But if fiat users want to subsidize Bitcoin's MoE build-out by using Lightning instead of an SQL database, let them have at it