Yep, just saw this, it looks huge.
"Bitkit is Lightning-compatible and leverages Synonym’s Slashtags protocol. Slashtags is a system that uses Bitcoin cryptographic seeds to create portable web profiles (that can be used across multiple platforms), automatically updated contacts, contact payment preferences and authentication without a password."
"Unfortunately, Bitkit cannot provide automatic Lightning connections to residents of the United States (yet)."
ah. I was wondering. I remember when blocktank launched, you couldn't use it from the US (I think that's still the case). It's open source, but for the official instance of it, its no-US. Was wondering if they solved that for BitKit yet
I remember Carvalho at some point saying on twitter he wouldn't hire anyone from the US because he wanted to avoid the regulatory baggage that would come with that. There's more there than I can see