Really cool step forward! It reminds me of Ethereum wallet apps that basically have browsers inside them and integrate with Metamask. It’s cool that Bitcoin has this now.
As-is, it’s really unclear about privacy implications of all of the stuff in there. There’s little guidance in terms or why you’d want to use one method over another etc.
I appreciate that it tries to guide people into sensible defaults, but it is all very opaque as of now. That is good because it is “grandma friendly”, but what is not grandma-friendly is doxxing herself and her friend accidentally with a permanent on chain transaction.
I wanted to say that as far as Bitcoin wallets with browsers: Bluewallet has a built in browser for "Lapps" (Dapps but with lightning) kinda like what Alby does, but on mobile. Links to some LN gaming (gambling), Polofeed (the OG lightning/meatspace use case), and microlancer (microtask job board, mostly similar to sats4likes), etc.
You know, I sort of wrote that app off because some of their stuff is custodial. Maybe time to dig back into what they’ve been up to
Yeah, i think they started out that way (at least the LN part,) but you can connect your LN node to it these days. Also, I like using their "watch only" wallet for my cold storage.
I will say i feel like the browser and "marketplace" hasnt gotten much work on it lately, I think they have been doing more with connecting to nodes, connecting to electrum, coldcard, and multisig stuff. Their desktop wallet is pretty good too.
Theres a BTCSessions tutorial on doing a Bluewallet mobile multisig, and another one connecting bluewallet to an umbrel.
But check out this page, where they list how (suprisingly) interesting this wallet is: (Payjoin, coin control, RBF, CPFP, etc...)