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found this ‘piece’ while doing a random check for peer-reviewed literature on the VAERS under-reporting factor. It was published under the umbrella of McGill University in Canada and it is full of…Nonsense. It is entitled: “Don’t fall for the ‘VAERS Scare’ Tactic: Anti-vaxxers show how a precious adverse event reporting database can be used to scare the public,” and indeed, it was published by a distinguished University in Canada under the operations of the Office for Science and Safety; authored by someone named Jonathan Jarry M.Sc. on June 18, 2021.
The first thing I would recommend is for my readers to reread the following article:
Now, let’s analyze the title.
“Don’t fall for the ‘VAERS Scare’ Tactic: Anti-vaxxers show how a precious adverse event reporting database can be used to scare the public.”
  1. It’s an order
  2. It claims that a US-based government-run and owned pharmacovigilance database can be a tool used to scare the public
  3. It uses the inflammatory and meaningless word “Anti-vaxxer”
These are my first three observations from simply reading the title.
Imagine that! They are doing another hit piece on using databases that collect information on health and vaccine injuries. Those databases are there to scare you!!! If you believe this, I have this beautiful bridge to sell you cheap!
This article analyzes the article included in it fo all the strange hit-piece work. It is interesting to see this kind of critical thinking in action.