Man, NY is even worse. No Strike, No LN with Cashapp, can't even win 10 cents playing games on Zebedee!
The thing is, Bitcoin is permissionless, but companies are not. These examples may result in people really looking at the difference between the protocol and companies using it, hopefully increasing the interest in (and funding of) unregulated, unstoppable alternatives.
I'm not one of the "Bitcoin makes government obsolete" Bitcoiners, but this particular area, where individual jurisdictions are blatantly interfering with transactions in cyberspace, is one case where they're obviously ~30 years behind reality.
South Dakota just stopped strike as well!
Dang I didn’t know NY didn’t allow those apps
Yeah, Strike doesnt let you set up your account, Cashapp lets you do everything except anything with lightning, Zebedee doesnt let you use it at all, it also wont let you play using a VPN, to make sure no bad guys play it.