The following excerpt came from a substack post of "Monetary Reformer" that I am aquainted with and I think the poster is just not thinking correctly about how the Federal Reserve works? Or maybe, its me that needs correcting but my understanding is that USD system is already supposed to be a "public money system/creation, created by the government on public purpose projects." I guess maybe this Person is attempting to imply that the current monetary system isn't controlled by the government or at least doesn't attempt to work in lockstep with "Federal Reserve" to attempt to maintain their hold on the money printer and in essence "enslave" the entire world?
"The Federal Reserve issued a paper, “Money and Payments” [1], calling for input from the public. The analysis presented here attempts to evaluate and respond to the request from the Monetary Reform (MR) perspective. Therefore, the opening paragraphs describe Monetary Reformers’ position on eliminating private money creation in favor of public money creation by the government on public purpose projects."
I feel like this group is so close to the solution and I just have believe they just don't see the problem as a result of being too focused on simply trying to survive from one day to the next....and that seems like a "shite" way to live....
Let me know what you think?