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Curious to get stackers opinions on what consumer prices will look like in the coming year.
  • Will the US experience a meaningful jump in CPI inflation this year?
  • Will other countries? If so, which ones will see the highest rates?
  • Will the CPI accurately reflect the changes in people's living costs? Or will the measurement get tweaked to make things seem better than they are?
I expect inflation, increased bitcoin price denominated in US dollars, tomfoolery in the fiat system, and continued assertions by my college group chat that I am a silly goose for buying a ponzi scheme (while they continue to drill baby drill into destitution with sports betting).
No one factors in what really counts, what has the inflation been for freedom the past say 50 years??
Hell, I remember an article from the mid to late eighties about a guy who traveled all of Europe without a passport!
This was before the demonic EU obliterated borders, and way before skin colour was a potential criteria for getting let through. He was from Europe, and often was able to cross after talking to the guards a bit, worst case he would simply stay there in his tent for weeks, asking in a very calm and polite way every day until they relented!
People even traveled on the World Passport that this US guy set up, that is simply a claim to being a world citizen, they can still be ordered actually.
Want to get somewhere almost for free and no paperwork? Walk around the docks asking the crews if you could join for a crossing, of course hammering rust & doing other excruciating chores to earn your way...
Surveillance? Fucking none!
When factoring in the price of real freedom, well then even Bitcoin is not holding up...
Especially since way too few are using it as a rebellious tool now, going like sheep into the Digitial Gulags again!
We will probably have a price increase, that's almost certain.
and I think they don't and they will never tell us the whole truth to our faces, the data they show is made up.
only they know the real numbers.
but it doesn't matter because thanks to Satoshi Nakamoto we can now avoid that with Bitcoin.
and let them keep fooling the rest, I said me, no more!!!
No jump, I predict lower inflation because cost of energy, oil and gas will go down