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Canada is a huge gateway for precursor chemicals for drugs. Now it’s Fentanyl but before it was for MDMD (Molly) so they have a clear and known issue here. Plus oddly enough Canada is the gateways for Indian illegal immigrants into the US. The northern border has been a quietly growing issue.
Mexico has had the cartels shoot at people in the US for years. In El Paso they have hit both pregnant and other US civilians before and the violence hasn’t gone down. I mean if the US shot into Mexico they would have a meltdown but they shoot into the US and at our people and expect nothing to happen. Well now it is.
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51 sats \ 0 replies \ @Jer 2 Feb
Canada is a huge gateway for precursor chemicals for drugs. Now it’s Fentanyl but before it was for MDMD (Molly) so they have a clear and known issue here. Plus oddly enough Canada is the gateways for Indian illegal immigrants into the US. The northern border has been a quietly growing issue.
Asking in good faith: can you post links to the source for this statement? Problems do exist, no doubt. Both our border agencies have work to do. All I keep reading from the Trump machine are vague comments like "it's very bad, terrible really. We won't talk about how bad, but I think you know".
The cartels are based in Mexico, not in Canada.
And I wonder how China’s 10% tariffs relate to this 🤔
And the point of 25% tariffs is to make drugs more expensive so that Americans won’t be able to buy them anymore.