I found this tool really useful. No registration, no account, no questions ask, as they say:
📝 Online editor providing collaborative editing in really real-time using #CRDTs and #IPFS.
PeerPad is a #decentralized # #editor that allows concurrent #writing of text. Besides making #live changes to a given document, it allows read-only #nodes to follow the changes in real-time. It also allows you to publish a self-contained snapshot of the document to IPFS.
Test it live at https://peerpad.net or https://ipfs.io/ipns/peerpad.net
This service allows you to write, collaborate and export markdown documents directly in your browser! Get started by start typing in the blue-pane to the left of this text. This area will automatically start to reflect your new changes. If you find any issues, please report them via GitHub here: https://github.com/ipfs-shipyard/peer-pad/issues/new