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I am one such leftist individual. And let me tell you, not even I can get any of my friends or colleagues to listen. It's really impossible. They just won't think outside their box.
And since they are so confined within those boxes (a.k.a. dogmas), the can't even begin to conceptualize the problem that Bitcoin solves. In other words, they don't have the slightest clue how the game is being played today (i.e. Cantillon effect), why unions and "movements" have been having their asses handed to them since 1971, and why without Bitcoin, the little people will never win.
A few examples of boxes:
  1. Marx et.al.:
--- What they think: Based on this box, Capitalism exploits people by paying workers less than what they produce. So historically, workers banded together into labor unions and syndicates to strike and fight for higher wages.
-- Why this is outdated and ineffective today: Those with access to the money printer can simply print money, and make workers lose income through inflation faster than workers can bargain for wage increases. Organizing millions of people takes time, energy, while all the other side needs to do is... press keys on a computer. In short, this would be like fighting a modern war with muskets and bayonets, while the enemy is using...tactical nukes, AI and swarm drones.
  1. Anarcho-primitivism: This is hilarious. I actually had someone argue this.
-- He, a self avowed anarchist who is doing a PhD at a prestigious leftist academic institution, said that the solution to the dollar system and money printing, is to revert to societies without money. LOL. Might as well get rid of the wheel, gunpowder, and fire too since we are at it.
There are many more such boxes. It's almost infinite.
And it's all so moronic; the degree to which they have their heads in the sand. As a leftist, I feel like the fellows of my ilk in the US are hopeless. Maybe 70 years of having their heads bashed in by the FED and their merry band of bankers, has left the left in a state of catatonic, reflexive stupidity. Incapable of engaging, much less absorbing any new ideas at all. A kind of weird learned helplessness that makes them feel all cozy and comfortable in their little boxes of utopian fantasies or callous denial.
It's sad. I am sad about it.