pull down to refresh

Awesome, thanks for the progress update and feedback! The feeling of stacking repos / commits is one of the coolest things, it's like building a canvas of knowledge and work slowly over years I definitely wanna help every new dev get addicted to that experience.
  1. Yeah code shortcut can be weird on different OS's, mine on mac will just stop working lol
  2. This is when you were sending a zap on the course or lesson through the UI? Can you tell me what browser you were using or if on mobile and how you paid? The zapper app integration has been a bit shaky, I'm gonna be doing my own full e2e implementation of zaps soon.
  3. Yeah I need to like record myself doing this in a lot more detail and on multiple OS's probably. Honestly this process is so confusing and easy to forget I had to watch a tutorial myself before recording that lesson ๐Ÿ˜‚
I appreciate the feedback this is helpful AND encouraging to know people are going through it and finding value! This is just V1 of the starter, I will redo it and improve it at some point soon cause I know how important it is to have an empowering and fun intro for this stuff and these little blockers can be so devastating for that hah
Yeah that is true. Self learning alone and hitting a snag you donโ€™t know how to fix cause all kinds of doubt and kills momentum. But soon as you breakthrough you get excited and confidence comes back.
Iโ€™ll keep you posted as I keep taking your courses. Thanks for putting this together!