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Regarding these fires, there’s a word that is not mentioned. At least I did not hear it. The key word is “Winter.” “Fires in Winter.” January is the coldest month of the Winter in California. I think the fires started in late December. In Winter anyway. The weather was cool, nothing is hot in Winter, especially in Southern California. The ground was cool because of the weather, not hot, so even if you were to have 1000 miles per hour winds, it shouldn’t be a cause for fire. Musk is right, there was a premeditation.
The plane crash with a helicopter in Washington D.C. is my second example of not having to be an expert to center on the most key question that is not dealt with, or that wasn’t discussed and asked about when it should have been. What is a war helicopter doing flying or practicing over a civilian airport like that one? Can someone explain this fact? Don’t military air forces have their own airfields? They do. Why wasn’t it flying over the Edwards Airfield? “Why fly there?” This is the key and the biggest question. No war plane or helicopter should ever be practicing or flying there. This helicopter flew over the landing strip. Practicing with night goggles they say?…
Conspiracy theories, anyone? Why are the obvious and plainly common sense questions never asked by the media and people in charge of these things? I get fed up with all the bullisht going on and the lies the state puts out about everything it is doing. Or, is it just Bi-ill Gate and his buddies buying all of the information dissemination routes and methods? Perhaps it is just the Intelligence Community f*ing everybody else.
Both. With Rothschild and other old money funding everything. They're one big happy, psychotic family.
I don’t know if they are exactly happy nowadays. It seems that the Rothschilds are selling off some of their properties for operating funds. Did someone cut them off from the trusts?
They've been fighting the American people since the beginning. They supplied all those Hessian soldiers that came marching through our streets. They had that kind of money even back then. I'd imagine they're still doing fine.
I have heard, curiously enough, they are on a bit of tough times. Assassinations, plane crashes and selling off properties have been happening, lately.
Well, it's a big family. And deception is their whole thing, so I'd take it all with a grain of salt. What have you seen?
Nothing other than one of their castles and all of the art in it has been sold off. I heard they were cut off from the trusts they were “running”. Also, that their debts had been called on to be paid and they do not have the assets to pay for them. That may be wrong but that is what I have heard.